Saturday 9 March 2019

Industry 4.0 - A Glimpse

The industrials technologies are always in a fast development. It all began with the first industrial revolution, with water and steam powered machines, to the last revolution industry 4.0. The term Industry 4.0 stands for new organization and control over the whole chain of the life of products. It is geared towards increasingly individualized customer requirements.

Lots of new technologies have been developed for the integration of industry 4.0. Some of them are Big Data and Data Analytics, autonomous Robots, Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality or additive manufacturing. Also the vertical and horizontal integration of systems is strongly being pushed by industry 4.0.

To put it in a nutshell, industry 4.0 increases the effective of machines, makes products and machines smart so they communicate together, optimizes Energy consumption and much more. In the whole this means cheaper production of more individual products.

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